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What Does Auto Tune-up Consist Of

  1. What Does Auto Tune-up Consist Of A Service
  2. What Does Auto Tune-up Consist Of Money
  3. What Tune Up Consist Of
  4. What Does An Auto Tune Up Consist Of

Find what does a tune up consist of and how much does a tune up cost. What are signs that your car needs a service & how to avoid costly tune up mistakes Car Service Land Coupons for Oil change, Tires, Wheel alignment, Brakes, Maintenance. What Does a Tune-Up Consist Of? There are several aspects of a tune-up that need to be completed each time that will help you protect your investment, which is your car. Professional service providers usually have a team of technicians that are able to recognize the causes behind certain performance issues in your car by reading the information.

What Does Auto Tune-up Consist Of A Service


What Does Auto Tune-up Consist Of Money

Tune-up intervals vary from one vehicle to another. Most older vehicles with non-electronic ignitions should be tuned every 10,000 to 12,000 miles or every year, whichever comes first. Newer cars with electronic ignition and fuel injection systems are scheduled to go from 25,000 miles to as many as 100,000 miles without needing a major tune-up.

What Tune Up Consist Of

Refer to your owner’s manual for recommended tune-up intervals, but be aware that even if it says that the vehicle doesn’t require scheduled tune-ups very often, it’s in your best interest to check periodically that your vehicle is working at peak efficiency. If you do a lot of stop-and-go driving or pull heavy loads (like a camper or boat), your ignition system may need to be tuned more often. Here are a couple of symptoms that tell you that your electronic ignition system may need to be tuned or adjusted:

What Does An Auto Tune Up Consist Of

  • The car stalls a lot. The spark plugs may be fouled or worn, the gap between the spark plug electrodes may need adjusting, or an electronic sensing device may need to be adjusted.

    If you’re having trouble pinpointing why your vehicle is stalling, you can help your automotive technician diagnose the problem by paying attention to whether the engine stalls when it’s hot or cold or when the air conditioner is on.

  • The engine is running roughly when idling or when you accelerate. Chances are the vehicle needs a tune-up.

  • The car gets harder to start. The problem can be in the starting system (for example, a weak battery), in the fuel system (for example, a weak fuel pump), or in the ignition system, or can be due to a faulty electronic component, such as the electronic control unit (ECU).