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Escape Sequence In Dev C++

Apr 26, 2019  Many programming languages support a concept called Escape Sequence. When a character is preceded by a backslash , it is called an escape sequence and it has a special meaning to the compiler. For example, n in the following statement is a valid character and it. Hexadecimal escape sequences have no length limit and terminate at the first character that is not a valid hexadecimal digit. If the value represented by a single hexadecimal escape sequence does not fit the range of values represented by the character type used in this string literal ( char, char16t, char32t, or wchart ), the result is. There is no escape character c It looks like you took the hex for decimal 12 which is c and put a before it. Copy the page linked to above into a place you can get to quickly, it is useful. 16 rows  Notes. Of the octal escape sequences, 0 is the most useful because it represents the.

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  1. 20.1. Overview of C++11 Regular Expressions
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C++11 makes the capabilities of regular expressions directly available to you, without your having to write a regular-expression engine yourself. In this chapter from C++ for the Impatient, Brian Overland explains all the basic functionality so you can learn how to do just about anything you’d want to do.

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C++ for the Impatient

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

Applications such as Microsoft Word have long supported pattern-matching, or regular-expression, capabilities. Using C and C++, it was always possible to write your own regular-expression engines, but it required sophisticated, complex programming—and usually a degree in computer science. Now C++11 makes these capabilities directly available to you, without your having to write a regular-expression engine yourself.

Regular expressions are of practical value in many programs, as they can aid with the task of lexicalanalysis—intelligently breaking up pieces of an input string—as well as tasks such as converting from one text-file format (such as HTML) to another.

I’ve found that when the C++11 regular expression library is explained in a straightforward, simple manner, it’s easy to use. This chapter doesn’t describe all the endless variations on the regex function-call syntax, but it does explain all the basic functionality: how to do just about anything you’d want to do.

20.1. Overview of C++11 Regular Expressions

Before using any regular-expression functions, include the <regex> header.

A regular expression is a string that uses special characters—in combination with ordinary characters—to create a text pattern. That pattern can then be used to match another string, search it, or identify a substring as the target of a search-and-replace function.

For example, consider a simple pattern: a string consisting only of the digits 0 through 9, and nothing else. A decimal integer, assuming it has no plus or minus sign, fulfills this pattern.

With the C++11 regular-expression syntax, this pattern can be expressed as:


In this regular-expression pattern, only the “0” and “9” are intended literally. The other characters—“[”, “]”, “-”, and “+”—each have a special meaning.

The brackets specify a range of characters:


C program escape sequence

This syntax says, “Match any one character in the specified range. The following examples specify different ranges.

The other special character used in this example is the plus sign (+).

This syntax says, “Match the preceding expression, expr, one or more times. The plus sign is a pattern modifier, so it means that expr+, taken as a whole, matches one or more instances of expr.

Here are some examples:

Notice what a difference the parentheses make. Parentheses have a special role in forming groups. As with braces and the plus sign (+), parentheses are special characters; they have to be “escaped” to be rendered literally—that is, you have to use backslashes if you want to match actual parentheses in the target string.

You should now see why “[0-9]+” matches a string that consists of one or more digits. This pattern attempts to match a single digit and then says, “Match that one or more times.” Again, the plus sign is a pattern modifier, so it matches [0-9] one or more times instead of matching it just once, not one or more times in addition to matching it once (which would’ve meant a total of two or more times overall).

The following statements attempt to match this regular-expression string against a target string. In this context, match means that the target string must match the regular-expression string completely.

You can test a series of strings this way:

These statements print out:

The string “123000.0” does not result in a match because regex_match attempts to match the entire target string; if it cannot, it returns false. The regex_search function, in contrast, returns true if any substring matches. Therefore, the following function call returns true, because the substring consisting of the first six characters matches the pattern specified earlier for reg1.

Generally speaking, every regular-expression operation begins by initializing a regex object with a pattern; this object can then be given as input to regex_match or regex_search. Creating a regex object builds a regular-expression engine, which is compiled at runtime (!), so for best performance, create as few new regular expression objects as you need to.

Here are some other useful patterns:

reg2 uses an asterisk (*) rather than a plus sign (+). The asterisk modifies the regular expression to mean, “Match zero or more copies of the preceding expression.” Therefore, reg2 matches an empty string as well as a digit string.

reg3 matches a digit string with an optional sign. The “or” symbol ( ) means match the expression on either side of this symbol:

Putting “a b” into a group (using parentheses) and then following it with a question mark (?), makes the entire group optional.

The following expression means, “Optionally match a plus sign or a minus sign, but not both.”

Because the plus sign (+) has special meaning, it must be “escaped” by using backslashes. More about that in the next section.

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Escape sequences are used in the programming languages C and C++, and their design was copied in many other languages such as Java and C#. An escape sequence is a sequence of characters that does not represent itself when used inside a character or string literal, but is translated into another character or a sequence of characters that may be difficult or impossible to represent directly.

In C, all escape sequences consist of two or more characters, the first of which is the backslash, (called the 'Escape character'); the remaining characters determine the interpretation of the escape sequence. For example, n is an escape sequence that denotes a newline character.


Suppose we want to print out Hello, on one line, followed by world! on the next line. One could attempt to represent the string to be printed as a single literal as follows:

This is not valid in C, since a string literal may not span multiple logical source lines. This can be worked around by printing the newline character using its numerical value (0x0A in ASCII),

This instructs the program to print Hello,, followed by the byte whose numerical value is 0x0A, followed by world!. /cooking-games-free-games-download.html. While this will indeed work when the machine uses the ASCII encoding, it will not work on systems that use other encodings, that have a different numerical value for the newline character. It is also not a good solution because it still does not allow to represent a newline character inside a literal, and instead takes advantage of the semantics of printf. In order to solve these problems and ensure maximum portability between systems, C interprets n inside a literal as a newline character, whatever that may be on the target system:

Escape Sequence In Dev C Youtube

In this code, the escape sequencen does not stand for a backslash followed by the letter n, because the backslash causes an 'escape' from the normal way characters are interpreted by the compiler. After seeing the backslash, the compiler expects another character to complete the escape sequence, and then translates the escape sequence into the bytes it is intended to represent. Thus, 'Hello,nworld!' represents a string with an embedded newline, regardless of whether it is used inside printf or anywhere else.

This raises the issue of how to represent an actual backslash inside a literal. This is done by using the escape sequence , as seen in the next section.

Some languages don't have escape sequences, for example Pascal. Instead a command including a newline would be used (writeln includes a newline, write excludes it).

Table of escape sequences[edit]

The following escape sequences are defined in standard C. This table also shows the values they map to in ASCII. However, these escape sequences can be used on any system with a C compiler, and may map to different values if the system does not use a character encoding based on ASCII.

Escape sequenceHex value in ASCIICharacter represented
a07Alert (Beep, Bell) (added in C89)[1]
enote 11BEscape character
n0ANewline (Line Feed); see notes below
r0DCarriage Return
t09Horizontal Tab
v0BVertical Tab
'27Apostrophe or single quotation mark
'22Double quotation mark
?3FQuestion mark (used to avoid trigraphs)
nnnnote 2anyThe byte whose numerical value is given by nnn interpreted as an octal number
xhh…anyThe byte whose numerical value is given by hh… interpreted as a hexadecimal number
uhhhhnote 3noneUnicodecode point below 10000 hexadecimal
Uhhhhhhhhnote 4noneUnicode code point where h is a hexadecimal digit
Note 1.^ Common non-standard code; see the Notes section below.
Note 2.^ There may be one, two, or three octal numerals n present; see the Notes section below.
Note 3.^ u takes 4 hexadecimal digits h; see the Notes section below.
Note 4.^ U takes 8 hexadecimal digits h; see the Notes section below.


n produces one byte, despite the fact that the platform may use more than one byte to denote a newline, such as the DOS/Windows CR-LF sequence, 0x0D 0x0A. The translation from 0x0A to 0x0D 0x0A on DOS and Windows occurs when the byte is written out to a file or to the console, and the inverse translation is done when text files are read.

A hex escape sequence must have at least one hex digit following x, with no upper bound; it continues for as many hex digits as there are. Thus, for example, xABCDEFG denotes the byte with the numerical value ABCDEF16, followed by the letter G, which is not a hex digit. However, if the resulting integer value is too large to fit in a single byte, the actual numerical value assigned is implementation-defined. Most platforms have 8-bit char types, which limits a useful hex escape sequence to two hex digits. However, hex escape sequences longer than two hex digits might be useful inside a wide character or wide string literal(prefixed with L):

An octal escape sequence consists of followed by one, two, or three octal digits. The octal escape sequence ends when it either contains three octal digits already, or the next character is not an octal digit. For example, 11 is a single octal escape sequence denoting a byte with numerical value 9 (11 in octal), rather than the escape sequence 1 followed by the digit 1. However, 1111 is the octal escape sequence 111 followed by the digit 1. In order to denote the byte with numerical value 1, followed by the digit 1, one could use '1'1', since C automatically concatenates adjacent string literals. Note that some three-digit octal escape sequences may be too large to fit in a single byte; this results in an implementation-defined value for the byte actually produced. The escape sequence 0 is a commonly used octal escape sequence, which denotes the null character, with value zero.

Non-standard escape sequences[edit]

A sequence such as z is not a valid escape sequence according to the C standard as it is not found in the table above. The C standard requires such 'invalid' escape sequences to be diagnosed (i.e., the compiler must print an error message). Notwithstanding this fact, some compilers may define additional escape sequences, with implementation-defined semantics. An example is the e escape sequence, which has 1B as the hexadecimal value in ASCII, represents the escape character, and is supported in GCC,[2]clang and tcc. It wasn't however added to the C standard repertoire, because it has no meaningful equivalent in some character sets (such as EBCDIC).[1]

Escape Sequence In Dev C Download

Universal character names[edit]

Escape Sequence Java

From the C99 standard, C has also supported escape sequences that denote Unicode code points in string literals. Such escape sequences are called universal character names, and have the form uhhhh or Uhhhhhhhh, where h stands for a hex digit. Unlike the other escape sequences considered, a universal character name may expand into more than one code unit.

The sequence uhhhh denotes the code pointhhhh, interpreted as a hexadecimal number. The sequence Uhhhhhhhh denotes the code point hhhhhhhh, interpreted as a hexadecimal number. (Therefore, code points located at U+10000 or higher must be denoted with the U syntax, whereas lower code points may use u or U.) The code point is converted into a sequence of code units in the encoding of the destination type on the target system. For example, consider

The string s1 will contain a single byte (not counting the terminating null) whose numerical value, the actual value stored in memory, is in fact 0xC0. The string s2 will contain the character 'Á', U+00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE. On a system that uses the UTF-8 encoding, the string s2 will contain two bytes, 0xC3 0xA1. The string s3 contains a single wchar_t, again with numerical value 0xC0. The string s4 contains the character 'À' encoded into wchar_t, if the UTF-16 encoding is used, then s4 will also contain only a single wchar_t, 16 bits long, with numerical value 0x00C0. A universal character name such as U0001F603 may be represented by a single wchar_t if the UTF-32 encoding is used, or two if UTF-16 is used.

Importantly, the universal character name u00C0 always denotes the character 'À', regardless of what kind of string literal it is used in, or the encoding in use. Again, U0001F603 always denotes the character at code point 1F60316, regardless of context. On the other hand, octal and hex escape sequences always denote certain sequences of numerical values, regardless of encoding. Therefore, universal character names are complementary to octal and hex escape sequences; while octal and hex escape sequences represent 'physical' code units, universal character names represent code points, which may be thought of as 'logical' characters.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ ab'Rationale for International Standard - Programming Languages - C'(PDF). 5.10. April 2003. Archived(PDF) from the original on 2016-06-06. Retrieved 2010-10-17.
  2. ^'6.35 The Character <ESC> in Constants'. GCC 4.8.2 Manual. Archived from the original on 2019-05-12. Retrieved 2014-03-08.

Further reading[edit]

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming languages — C
  • Kernighan, Brian W.; Ritchie, Dennis M. (2003) [1988]. The C Programming Language (2 ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN978-0-13308621-8.
  • Lafore, Robert (2001). Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ (1 ed.). Galgotia Publications. ISBN978-8-18562322-1.
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